Friday, May 20, 2011

14 things I wanna do before I die

1 ; Watch every single Studio Ghibli movie. (So far I've only seen Ponyo & Spirited Away, so I have quite a long way to go..)
2 ; Go to Ireland or London. (I have ancestors from Ireland! :D)
3 ; Learn to speak Japanese. (Right now all I know is Hai-Yes, Kon'nichiwa-Hello, Sayōnara-Goodbye, Watashi wa-I, Anata-You, Heiwa-Peace and finally Heiwa no uchi,-damashī no kokujin dansei-In peace, soul brother. lol)
4 ; Complete my mangas! (Nowhere near that..)
5 ; Improve my singing. (Again, nowhere near)
6 ; Become a fantastic artist and writer!
7 ; Play The Sims :p
8 ; Learn to play at least one instrument. (Preferably drums)
9 ; Become braver & kinder.
10 ; Give help to those who need it.
11 ; Um, get married. And have at least 3 great kids. hehe :3
12 ; Go out & do whatever the Lord wants me to do!
13 ; Read the very fascinating, very thought-provoking, very obsessive 'Princess Knight'! (Uh, it's this manga that's from the 1950's which is extremely early for a manga. Manga didn't get a big start until the 80's or 90's. I'm terribly curious of what manga looked like way back then...& the story sounds really awesome. But I looked it up on Amazon & the cheapest copy they had was like 150 something dollars. So that only makes it all the more obsessive for me. Go look it up on Wikipedia! :D)

Oh yes, I quite forgot one...
14 ; Live through the "Second Coming" tomorrow! (Why do these people think they know exactly when the Rapture's gonna happen?..Still, it kinda scares me..)

That's it. May add more when I can think of some :)